"There is no ruler who can compare in virtue with a condition of non-rule" -Pau Ching-yen

Posts tagged ‘Band of Horses’

Störst av allt är kärleken

Frihet i all ära. Den har en förutsättning. Kärleken.

Njal proposed to Elin at the Band of Horses show in Oslo earlier this year. When the Bride and Groom heard that BoH was to play a festival in Tromso on the same day of their wedding, they contacted the band and told them their story. With all the coincidences surrounding the wedding, the band said, “What the hell” and decided to surprise the couple. The band showed up minutes after landing in Tromso to play Marry Song at their ceremony. BoH was honored to be a part of the couple’s special day. Congratulations Njal and Elin!

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